A Breath of Fresh Air
With the America’s Cup in legal limbo, Bruno Trouble announces his own event to bring Cup teams to Auckland to play nicely. And they do-for the most part.
by Angus Philips
Alone at the Leading Edge
As other development classes slip into one-design homogeneity, the techie afficionados of the International 14 remain steadfast in their encouragement of speed and thrills.
by Chris Museler
Tech Review
Here’s how to turn a stock J/120 into an IRC racer.
Sail Tech
The only way to get more races out of yoru sails is to take care of them.
Boat Review
The Open 6.50 breaks the sportboat mold wide open.
Tech News
The Finn class goes digital
From the Experts
A bowman’s perspective to getting off the starting line.
Back To Basics
Greg Fisher offeres 10 tips guaranteed to make you faster.
If you have a choice, says Dr. Stuart Walker, take the slower segment first.
Dick Rose clarifies what is, and what is not, an obstruction.
Grand Prix
Ragtime Jazzed
A legendary ocean racer returns to winning form.
DSK/Pioneer Investments, Swan 90
Editor’s Letter
Sailor’s Forum
Starting Line
Jobson Report
Ask Dr. Crash