
Notice of Race – 2007 Sperry Top-Sider Larchmont NOOD

Official Notice of Race for the 2007 Sperry Top-Sider Marblehead NOOD Regatta.

NOTICE OF RACETHE SPERRY TOP-SIDERNATIONAL OFFSHORE ONE-DESIGN REGATTALarchmont Yacht Club September 8 – 9, 2007 Larchmont, NYSailing World is the Organizing Authority for this regatta andLarchmont Yacht Club is the Host Club and will provide racemanagement.1. RULES1.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the2005-2008 Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS). Classes permittingCategory C Advertising (see ISAF Regulation 20) are urged torefrain from displaying advertisements for businesses or productscompeting with those of the primary and support sponsors of theevent.2. ELIGIBILITY2.1. The regatta is open to any boat with a minimum LOA of 21feet, that has sleeping accommodations below decks or is either:a) an active member of a recognized class association for entry inthis regatta’s One-Design classes, or; b) a boat that meets the criteriaestablished for this regatta by the class coordinator for entryin a level class; and provided that each class has a minimumentry of six boats. The Organizing Authority reserves the right toinvite additional classes that do not meet all the requirements.2.2 The NOOD Regattas are open to those boats which qualifyunder Section 2.1 of this Notice of Race and whose Owner and/orSkipper is a current member of their National Governing Body(US SAILING for USA members; to join call 1-800-877-2451).3. ENTRIESTo register online, please log onto andfollow the NOOD link to the Larchmont Page. Entries shall besubmitted on the official entry form. Classes shall meet eligibilityrequirements no later than August 22, 2007 Entries received afterAugust 17, 2007 shall be subject to a $50 late fee. Completedentry forms, with the entry fee, shall be mailed to Sperry Top-Sider NOOD REGATTA, c/o Sailing World, 55 Hammarlund Way,Middletown, RI 02842 or fax 401-845-5180. Please make checkspayable to WORLD Publications. Late entries may be acceptedsolely at the discretion of the Organizing Authority.BOAT SIZE ENTRY FEEup to 24′ $140.0025′ – 30′ $175.0031′ – 39′ $195.0040′ and over $215.00 Fee includes one social ticketSocial tickets – Advance purchase $24.00with your entry form (entry fee includesone social ticket)Social tickets include buffetdinner/beverages for Saturday & beveragesonly on Sunday. Larchmont Yacht Club will provide Bar Snacks on Sundayfor no additional charge. A dinner menu will also be available in the Larchmont Yacht Club’s dining room.Additional tickets will be $26 after your entry has been submittedand at the door.4. REGISTRATION4.1 Each boat owner or his representative must report to theLarchmont Yacht Club, from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Friday,September 7 or from 8:00 am – 9:30 am Saturday, September 8 tocomplete registration details. Crew lists and waivers of liabilitymust be submitted by close of registration. No boat will be registeredwithout a completed waiver form. In the event of a crewmember substitution during the regatta, the new crew membermust submit a signed waiver of liability to the Race Committeeprior to racing for that boat’s entry to remain valid. SailingInstructions will be available at registration. Amendments to theSailing Instructions will be posted at Larchmont Yacht Club, by0930 daily. It is the responsibility of each competitor to check theOfficial Notice Board for any amendments or other notices.4.2 Easily removable bow stickers shall be attached to the forward25% of both sides of the boat’s hull at all times while racing. Thestickers are to be carried with the top approximately 6″-10″ belowdeck level and with the leading edge approximately 10″-20″ aft ofthe bow. Bow stickers will be provided in the Skipper’s package.5. COURSESIt is anticipated that racing will be conducted on two (2) separateracing circles in the waters of Long Island Sound, offLarchmont, NY. Specific locations will be provided in the SailingInstructions.6. SCHEDULE OF RACESIt is the intent of the Organizing Authority and the RaceCommittee to conduct as many races as practical on each day ofracing, for a maximum of nine for the series. The first warningsignal for each day of racing is scheduled for 1100 with no startingsequence commencing after 1430 on Sunday, September 9.7. MEASUREMENT/WEIGH-INMeasurement is not required, but each boat shall submit proofof holding a valid measurement certificate at registration ifrequired by the class.Neither the Organizing Authority nor the Larchmont YachtClub shall be responsible for conducting or administrating weighinsshould they be required by individual class rules. Local ornational class associations shall be responsible for conductingweigh-ins if needed.8. SCORINGEach boat’s total score will be the sum of her scores for allraces. One race will constitute a series for all classes. This changesRRS A2.9. ARBITRATIONFor protests involving a breach of a Rule of Part 2 of the RRS,an Arbitration hearing will be held prior to the protest hearing.This changes Part 5, Section B, of the RRS.10. PRIZES10.1 Daily and series prizes will be awarded by class.10.2 An award will be made to the boat which, in the opinion ofthe Organizing Authority, had the best overall performance duringthe 2007 Sperry Top-Sider Larchmont NOOD Regatta.11. BERTHING & HAUL-OUT RESTRICTIONSBoats shall be moored, free of charge, for the regatta, at theLarchmont Yacht Club September 6-10. Boats will be accommodatedon a first come-first serve basis. Except for the Etchells andViper 640 Classes which are permitted to haul out on Saturdaynight, boats shall remain in the water between the first scheduledwarning on Saturday, September 8 until the finish of their lastrace of the series on Sunday, September 9, unless a haul-out isapproved by the Jury. Call the Larchmont Yacht Club MarineFacilities Capt. Dave Sandoval for moorage reservations andassignments at 914-834-2440.Entrants will need to bring adequate ground tackle unless theyhave confirmed mooring reservations at Larchmont YC or havemade mooring or berthing arrangements at a nearby yacht clubor boat yard.12. PHOTOGRAPHERS AND TV RIGHTSCompetitors give absolute right and permission for any photographsor video footage taken of themselves or their competingboat to be published in any media whatsoever; for either editorialor advertising purposes, or to be used in press information.
