The 2003 Sailing World Detroit NOOD regatta ended on a high note Sunday, with sailors in 17 classes making up for a day lost due to big breeze on Saturday by racing either two or three races under a cloudless Michigan sky. A northwesterly wind of 15 knots greeted sailors as they arrived at the three race circles, and never dropped below 9 knots, despite a right shift in the early afternoon.
“I have the worlds greatest crew,” said Chuck Holzman, of Farmington Hills, Mi., winner of the 12-boat Melges 24 class. “Pat Drummond up forward, Wally Cross on tactics, and Paul Kerher trimming. They allowed me to focus and just drive, I didnt have to worry about anything.” Holzman, a past Great Lakes Champion in the J/80 class was sailing his boat, Flyer 02 in its second regatta. “Key West Race Week was our first event but we were terrible,” said Holzman. “For the NOOD we put together a strong team and Im pretty pumped up about the result. Holzman and company are aiming for the Melges 24 Worlds in San Francisco later this year.
Marc Hollerbach and his crew aboard the North American 40 Mandalay were the only team to score a perfect record in the Detroit NOOD, taking five firsts in five races. “It was just one of those really rare regattas,” said Hollerbach. “How often do you feel as if you can do anything you want to do on a racecourse? We also had a great crew that did a superb job and made no mistakes. We also shifted gears very well; the backstay was moving all the time and so was the jib halyard.” Hollerbach actually gave credit to the second-place boat in the class for his crews ability to adapt well to the variations in wind strength. “John Barbour, who owns Velero VI, shifts gears better than anyone out there; hes the gold standard in the fleet, and my guys were able to do that as well as him this regatta.” Hollerbachs crew included son Adam, who drove the NA 40 while dad called tactics.
Dan Marshall of Grosse Point, Mi., owner of the Cal 25 Clytie, and overall winner in the 18-boat Cal 25 class was grinning from ear-to-ear after accepting his first-place trophy Sunday afternoon. It was the second year in a row that Clytie had topped the class. Marshall is a true believer in the Cal 25, three years earlier, his Cal as well as three others, had been totally destroyed in a fire at Bayview YC. Rather than call it quits after more than 20 years in the class, Marshall and two out of the three owners who had lost boats promptly bought other Cal 25s and resumed racing. “What more could you ask for,” asked Marshall. “We love the class, weve got really good competition, and the guys we sail against play the game cleanly and well.” When asked what he attributed his 2003 win to, Marshall answered simply: “Patience.”
One of the more interesting scorelines of all the winners at the Detroit NOOD belonged to Ed and John Bayer, and Mike Welch, owners of the J/35 Falcon, sailing out of Detroit YC. Sailing with a crew with what was described as “over 100 years of experience between them,” never won a race in the event. “We worked real hard not to get discouraged,” said Welch. “Even though we never rounded a mark in first, we clawed and scratched our way to decent finishes.” Practice also helped the crew. “Weve been practicing as much as possible,” said Ed. “Practice was what won us the class last year so we knew that was a recipe we had to stick to.” Changing gears was also important, and the triumvirate also credited their practice of detailed record keeping of tuning changes to the J/35s rig.
In the Crescent class, which was marking its 50th anniversary at the NOOD, brothers Stephen and David Hume took 1, 2 in the 9-boat class, respectively. In third place was Diane Janeski. The C&C; 35 class was won by Frank Tenkel, sailing Bravo; second was Brian Geraghty on Siochail, and in third, Gary Graham and his Contender. Ralph Deeds and the crew of his Lorax took first in the 9-boat Express 27 class, with Peter Fortunes Air Force, and Harold Kolters Das Boot in second and third, respectively.
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| Tony Bessinger|
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| The crew of the Tartan Ten Gotcha hoists and sets the kite on Day 3 of the Detroit NOOD. Gotcha finished fourth in the 24-boat class* * *|
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The largest class at the Detroit NOOD, the Tartan Ten class, with 24 boats on the line, was topped by Dixie Normous, owned by Jeff Sampson. In second was Tim Britton’s Troll, and in third was the inimitable Bill Buckles, sailing his Liquor Box. The second-largest class, the 22-boat strong J/105 class was won by the husband/wife team of Cynthia and Jim Best. In second was Con Ruffing’s C-Jem, and in third Patriot, owned by Purdie Com LLC.
Bora Gulari, Richard Hunt, and Gary Shoemaker placed 1,2,3 respectively in the 7-boat Ultimate 20 class, and Robert Kirkman (Hot Ticket), Don Hudak (Capers), and Robert Amsler (Merlin), were the big three, respectively, in the J/120s.
In the J/35/Thomas 35 class, Boomerang, owned by Michael Salter, Zamboni, owned by Alan Johnson, and Freedom, owned by Nat Towle, were first, second, and third. In the level classes, Liberte (Boston Barcom), Avatar (Gordon Morlan), and Benjamin (James Rapelje) were 1,2,3 in Level 141, and Josh Kersts Instant Karma, Jim VanDeVeldes Mind Games, and Dan Webbs Homer J, were first, second, and third in the Level 123.
The Grand Prix class was won by Curtis Kime, sailing Victrix, his Concordia 47. Herbert Mish, sailing his Corel 45 Tiki II, was second, and the Express 37 Burden IV, owned by Burton Jones, was in third. The top Warhorse was Dane Christys Hellion, in second was Fran and Jerry Andersons Bushwacker, and in third, Pendragon, owned by Greg and John Trost.
C&C; 35 Class
(Skipper/Boat Name) (Hometown) (Race Finishes) Points
1. Frank Tenkel/ BRAVO Grosse Pointe Shores, MI 2-2-1-1 = 6
2. Brian Geraghty/ SIOCHAIL Grosse Pointe Shores, MI 1-1-2-2 = 6
3. Gary Graham/CONTENDER Grosse Pointe Park, MI 4-5-3-3 = 15
Cal 25 Class
1. Dale Marshall/CLYTIE Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 1-3-2-1 = 7
2. Robert Orr/ STORMALONG Grosse Pointe Shores, MI 3-1-9-2 = 15
3. J. David Holme/ HOLMEBREW Grosse Pointe, MI 5-2-5-4 = 16
4. Neil Onme/ BACON DRAPES Detroit, MI 6-6-6-3 = 21
Crescent Class
1. Stephen Hume/ MANON Detroit, MI 1-3-4-1 = 9
2. David Hume/ UTOPIA Detroit, MI 2-2-5-3 =12
3. Diane Janeski/ZOOMER Allen Park, MI 4-4-1-7 = 16
Express 27 Class
1. Ralph Deeds/ LORAX Birmingham, MI 2-4-1-2 = 9
2. Peter Fortune/ AIR FORCE Grosse Pointe, MI 3-2-2-3 = 11
3. Harald Kolter/ DAS BOOT Harper Woods, MI 1-1-2-8 = 12
Gran Prix Class
1. Curtis Kime/ VICTRIX Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 3-1-2-2-1 = 9.5
2. Herbert Misch/ TIKI II Bloomfield Hills, MI 2-1-5-1-6 = 15.5
3. H. Burton Jones/BURDEN IV Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 5-3-6-3-2 = 19
J 105 Class
1. Cynthia & Jim Best/ PHANTON Beverly Hills, MI 3-6-3-6-2 =20
2. Con Ruffing/C-JEM Grosse Pointe, MI 8-8-4-1-3 =24
3. Todd Amsdell/ PATRIOT Rocky River, OH 2-4-7-8-4 = 25
4. Brian Smith/ SORCERY Rochester, MI 4-2-9-12-7 = 34
J 120 Class
1. Robert Kirkman/ HOT TICKET Northville, MI 3-1-1-1-7 = 13
2. Don Hudak/ CAPERS Mentor, OH 1-3-3-6-3 = 16
3. Robert Amsler/ MERLIN Clinton Township, MI 2-2-4-5-4 = 17
J 24 Class
1. Josh Kerst/ INSTANT KARMA Ann Arbor, MI 1-1-1-3 = 6
2. Jim Van De Velde/ MIND GAMES Macomb, MI 2-2-2-5 =11
3. Dan Webb/ HOMER J Harrison Twp., MI 3-3-3-2 = 11
J 35 & T 35 Class
1. Ed & John Bayer,Mike Welch/ FALCON Grosse Point Park, MI 3-4-2-2 = 11
2. Michael Elliot/ BERNOULLI Linden, MI 2-2-7-1 =12
3.Chris Herriges/ NIGHT TRAIN Clinton, Twp. MI 7-1-3-3 = 14
Level 123 Class
1. Brian Bascom/ LIBERTE Holland, MI 1-2-1-1 =5
2. Gordon Morian/ AVATAR Grosse Point Park, MI 2-1-2-2 = 7
3. James Rapelje/ BENJAMMIN Clinton Township, MI 3-3-3-3 = 12
Level 141 Class
1. Michael Salter/ BOOMERANG Tecumseh, Ontario 1-2-1-1 =5
2. Alan Johnson/ ZAMBONI Windsor, Ontario 4-1-2-2 = 9
3. Nat Towle/ FREEDOM Bingham Farms, MI 2-3-5-4 =14.5
Melges 24 Class
1. Chuck Holzman/ FLYER 02 Farmington Hills, MI 2-1-1-5 = 9
2. Mike Dow/ FLYING TOASTER Traverse City, MI 1-2-11-1 = 15
3. Paul Hulsey/MISSION 347 Birmingham, MI 6-4-4-2 =16
NA 40 Class
1. Marc Hollerhach/ MANDALAV Grosse Pointe Park, MI 1-1-1-1-1 =5
2. John Barbour/ VELERO VI Detroit, MI 3-2-2-2-3 =12
3. Steve Steckert/ KEMOSBE Rochester Hills, MI 2-3-4-3-2 =14
S2 7.9 Class
1. Boston/ FREQUENT FLYER 5-1-1-1 =8
2. David Grover/ PRIMETIME Farmington Hills, MI 1-2-2-3 = 8
3. Bob Von Hoorn/ LEBER Shelby Twp, MI 2-3-6-2 = 13
Tartan 10 Class
1. Jeff Smith/ DIXIE NORMOUS Ferndale, MI 4-5-1-7 = 17
2. Tim Britton/ TROLL Mentor, OH 1-1-12-4 = 18
3. Bill Buckles/ LIQUOR BOX Lorain, OH 13-2-2-3 = 20
4. David Disbrow/GOTCHA Vermillion, OH 2-12-6-1 = 21
Ultimate 20 Class
1. Bora Gulari/ SERENDIPITY Ann Arbor, MI 1-3-4-1 =9
2. Richard Hunt/ DOG BITE Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 7-1-1-4 =13
3. Gary Shoemaker/ SUPER TOY Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 4-2-2-6 =14
Warhorse Class
1. Dane Christy/ HELLION Bloomfield Hills, MI 1-1-1-2-6 = 11
2. Fran Anderson/ BUSHWACKER Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 3-3-3-1-2 = 12
2. John Trost/ PENDRAGON Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 2-4-5-5-1 =17 = 6