
Class Coordinators for the 2007 Sperry Top-Sider Marblehead NOOD Regatta

Please contact your Class Coordinator to answer class specific questions you may have concerning launching, dockage, boat storage and local accommodations.
Colgate 26 Jack Cochrane 617-678-4174
Corinthian Ron Vener 781-631-5413
Etchells Markes Luckes 781-639-9669
IOD Greg Mancusi-Ungaro 781-639-4039
J/24 Jeff Earl 978-239-7789
J/30 David Bows 617-283-3346
J/105 Ernie Hardy 617-846-6320
Rhodes 19 Steven Uhl 781-631-4430
S2 7.9 Barry Bessette 508-432-1423
Skud 18 Maureen McKinnon-Tucker 781-639-7787
Sonar Brent Larlee 617-933-8503
Town Class _NE Championships __Sat/Sun-The Campbell Bowl_ Jim Cooke 781-631-0750
Viper 640 Justin Scott 781-639-6336