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Both Eastport Yacht Club and Severn Sailing Assoc. (SSA) will be undergoing construction, modifications and upgrades to their launching facilities and boat storage areas during the Annapolis NOOD Regatta, May 4 – 6. As there has been some confusion as to what facilities are available to the visiting dry sailed fleets during the NOOD Regatta, we thought some clarification would be helpful.
There will be a crane provided by Eastport Yacht Club (EYC) set up and available at Annapolis Sailing School (ASS). The crane will be available to travelers participating in the NOOD Regatta. There will be a “donation box” to help defray EYC’s crane costs. Only Eastport Yacht Club members shall operate the crane as it’s an insurance issue. Prior to arrival, all visiting trailer boats must make arrangements directly with ASS regarding trailer storage during the Annapolis NOOD. There will be a trailer storage fee payable directly to ASS at their prevailing rates. Please keep in mind that ASS has kindly opened their yard to our visiting NOOD entries and they will be very busy with their own programs in addition to supporting the traveling NOOD fleets.
Please note that both the Annapolis Yacht Club (AYC) and the Severn Sailing Assoc. (SSA) are fully capable of launching their own member’s boats, but both clubs have very little capacity for additional boats. AYC storage for non-member boats is on a first come, first served basis. All boats stored for NOOD at AYC Sailing Center and Annapolis Sailing School (ASS) must leave on Sunday, May 6 following racing/Awards ceremony.
Bert Jabin’s Yacht Yard is also available for launching and trailer storage at their prevailing rates.
Annapolis Sailing School (ASS)
Attn: Jason Pinter, Operations Manager
7001 Bembe Beach Road
Annapolis, MD 21403
(800) 638-9192
Bert Jabin’s Yacht Yard
7310 Edgewood Road
Annapolis, MD 21403
(410) 268-9667