It’s all about timing. While most of us are cooped up in office buildings, staring out the window at the grey sky and trying to overcome the post-holiday hangover, a select few are soaking up the sun, wind, bath-temperature water, and unparalleled competition of Quantum Key West Race Week.
That, as much as anything, makes Key West Race Week one of the regattas that everyone follows. So since you’ll probably be checking in on the action on a regular basis (you know, like every hour or so) we thought we’d reward your time with a little competition that you can participate in from the comfort (or discomfort) of your office chair. And if you happen to be down there sailing, you can certainly join in as well.
For first prize, we’re offering a 40-liter Magic Marine Welded Sport Bag. This durable duffel is the perfect sailors’ tote and will keep all your gear nice and dry no matter what sort of storm you come across. And, at least in the U.S., you won’t have to worry about confusing your bag with anyone else’s. This bag isn’t currently available in North America.

Second is a West Marine Performance Rigging Knife. Recent offshore tragedies have highlighted the importance of every offshore sailor having a knife on his person at all times.
Third is a long-sleeve West Marine Captain Tech Tee. Your choice of color and size. If you’re still sailing in cotton, you’re living in the fabric dark ages. If you’ve converted to the church of wicking, sun-protecting fabric you know how valuable these are in your sailing wardrobe.
Fourth and fifth place will each get Sailing World’s famous Dr. Crash calendar.
To enter all you have to do is select which team you think will win in five of the most competitive divisions at Key West Race Week. The positions earned by the boats you select with then be totaled up and that will be your score for the competition. Ties will be broken according to the procedures outlined in the Racing Rules of Sailing. (i.e. most firsts, most seconds, etc.)
For more on the entries (including skippers, tacticians, handicaps, etc.) log onto the Quantum Key West site or check out Sailing World‘s exclusive coverage of the regatta.
All entries must be completed before the start of the first race on Jan. 16. Enter the league here.