The National Sailing Hall of Fame announced that Team Tsunami has become a Founding Member with a contribution of $10,000. Team Tsunami has been developed to give middle and high school youth the opportunity to learn how to enjoy and handle a keel boat while racing and practicing as a team ( they learned of the creation of the National Sailing Hall of Fame, the young people of TEAM TSUNAMI decided to raise funds to become a Founding Members. In cooperation with their parents the kids agreed to raise 20% of the Founding Membership.”They raised 38 percent by doing a letter campaign to family and friends, speaking at community gatherings, and doing a coin drive in their neighborhoods. The response from all the contributors reinforced the importance of providing sailing opportunities to our youth on a local level.” Team Tsunami coach Pete Carrico said, “Both on and off the water, the young sailors of Team Tsunami are eager to set an example and inspire other young sailors, I’m very proud of them.”