A new crop of talented photographers emerged in Sailing World‘s Spring Photo Contest, wowing us with images from years past as well as races that finished only days ago. The standout submission, “Cotton Blossom,” comes from SW community member starboard, who caught America’s Cup hero Dennis Conner at the helm of his beautifully restored Q class sloop at the classic yacht regatta Voiles de Antibes in June 2007. In the photo, the Mediterranean water looks lavishly blue against the boat’s rich, mahogany brightwork. It’s only fitting that Connor’s at the tiller wearing his trademark blue blazer.
As the grand-prize winner, starboard will receive a pair of performance racing shorts from Camet. Thanks to everyone who submitted photos. The judges were associate editor Michael Lovett, associate art director Dave Norton, photographer Marianne Lee, and office manager Kathy Gregory.
(Click each image to view at full size)
** First Place **

Contributor: starboard
Title: “Cotton Blossom”
starboard’s Description: “Dennis Conner racing Cotton Blossom in Antibes France Jun 1, 2007”
Judge’s Comments:
“This is a great shot, whether Dennis is onboard or not! The light is nice, and the angle is unique.” -Marianne Lee
“The angle makes it seem like the boat and crew are in the water, not on it. The sliver of light illuminating Conner’s backwards-glancing face creates a bit of suspense, too.” —Michael Lovett
** Second Place **

Contributor: rmigliaccio (Rob Migliaccio)
Title: “Flat and Fast!”
rmigliaccio’s Description: “Coed Nationals, Madison, WI, June 2010”
Judge’s Comments:
“This photo has great depth of field, which can be tricky on the water.” -Marianne Lee
“I like the composition, depth of field, and intensity in this photo.” -Dave Norton
** Third Place **

Contributor: wilkins@gem.co.za
Title: “2008 Hobie Worlds”
wilkins@gem.co.za’s Description: “Taken during the Hobie Worlds held in Langebaan, South Africa, in March 2008”
Judge’s Comments: “This shot is totally amazing. Ballet while racing!” -Kathy Gregory