A row of keelboats blew over like dominos. The mast of a J24 that was knocked
off its trailer is bent over top of the row of boats.
A row of keelboats blew over like dominos. The mast of a J24 that was knocked off its trailer is bent over top of the row of boats.Bill Blevins
A row of keelboats blew over like dominos. The mast of a J24 that was knocked
off its trailer is bent over top of the row of boats.
A row of keelboats blew over like dominos. The mast of a J24 that was knocked off its trailer is bent over top of the row of boats.Bill Blevins
The club’s multihulls, including Sharks and a Hobie, landed against a
pavilion which was knocked off its foundation.
The club’s multihulls, including Sharks and a Hobie, landed against a pavilion which was knocked off its foundation.Bill Blevins
The tornado carved a narrow path across the property of the Canandaigua YC,
taking out many of the tall, old, beautiful trees.
The tornado carved a narrow path across the property of the Canandaigua YC, taking out many of the tall, old, beautiful trees.Bill Blevins
The tornado blew the Canandaigua YC’s club’s V 15 fleet through through steel
dinghy racks and carried the whole pile of boats into the water. My (Tim
Willkes’) sad and sorry Vanguard sits mostly submerged in the water on the
far left beyond the din
The tornado blew the Canandaigua YC’s club’s V 15 fleet through through steel dinghy racks and carried the whole pile of boats into the water. My (Tim Willkes’) sad and sorry Vanguard sits mostly submerged in the water on the far left beyond the dinghy racks.Bill Blevins