
2007 Sperry Top-Sider Chicago NOOD Regatta – Competitor IRC Advisory

Competitor IRC Advisory for the 2007 Sperry Top-Sider Chicago NOOD Regatta

Sperry Top-Sider NOOD Regatta
Chicago – 2007


The Organizing Authority (Sailing World) has received inquiries regarding the possibility of handicapping a Section in the 2007 NOOD using the IRC Rule. Representatives from the OA and the Chicago Yacht Club have discussed this issue at length and have arrived at the following conclusions.


1. The event will continue to register competitors as entries handicapped under PHRF and those entries will be divided into no more than 4 handicapped sections,
2. Those participants who have valid, current IRC certificates will be encouraged to submit those documents to the OA, along with their PHRF entry, and they will be scored using both handicap systems. Prizes will be awarded to boats scored under the IRC Rule and there will be no increase in the entry fee for the event to affect this element of the regatta. The “official” results for the individual handicapped sections will still be determined using the PHRF Rule.
3. We are mindful of the disparity of boats that might have IRC Certificates, and ask that competitors understand that it is impossible to equitably score boats sailing on different race areas. With that thought in mind, our intent is to limit IRC scoring to those entries that would “normally” be sailing together on the same circle.
4. In order to move forward with this “dual scoring”, a minimum of 8 IRC rated entries must be recorded with the OA.

The Organizing Authority is mindful that things change and that various parts of our sport are constantly evolving. We want to move forward with this, but not at the expense of those loyal competitors who continue to race under local PHRF. We feel that this is the best solution for the event for 2007 with the full intent of addressing this handicapping issue again as things move forward into the 2008 season.



Peter Reggio
Race Management Coordinator
for the NOOD Regattas
March 28, 2007
