
Nockamixon Sail Club

One Wednesday Night: This Club's course was around the hot dogs, corn, and special lemonade under the picnic tent.
Sailing World

Nockamoxin Sail Club

Robin Bonner

Nockamixon Sail Club
Lake Nockamixon, Quakertown, Penn.

For the members of the Nockamixon Sail Club, Wednesday is the literal watershed of our week—an evening on the lake (think warm breeze and setting sun), with aprés sail party. After that, Thursday and Friday just rush on downhill toward the weekend. How can a sailor resist? I can’t. From June through September, my Wednesday Outlook calendar shows a reoccurring meeting at 3:30 p.m

August 12 was no exception to NSC’s usual Wednesday splendor on the lake—an amazing night. Everything was perfect. Well, everything except the weather. Instead of gentle breezes and setting sun, we had heavy cloud cover, downpours, and wet winds of 15 to 20 knots.


But who needs sun? Twenty hearty souls still turned out. It didn’t take long for the race committee to decide the evening’s course: head for the picnic grove, get under some tents, and cook those dogs. Sailors jockeyed for position, for the cooler and picnic table: hot dogs, salad, corn on the cob, and Mrs. B’s “special” lemonade and other inspiring beverages. No sailor was left behind. Great food and drink, and great conversation: A recent cruiser-sponsored club trip to the Chesapeake recapped; the 2009 Flying Scot Association fleet of the year award flaunted. Anyone for another cruise in September?
—Robin Bonner
